Occlestone Mesmereyes – 1st & Best of Breed
Show Report from Mrs C Bamford
Chinchilla/Shaded Silver Kitten, Male: 1 & BOB EDWARDS &
WILSON’S OCCLESTONE MESMEREYES. (10) 13/10/12. Very pretty Chinchilla male with a good cobby shape to his body, nice bone and a tail length in proportion. Nicely rounded head with neat ears set well apart, large emerald
green eyes, broad nose with a good break, very wide and straight scissor bite, good cheeks and adequate chin. He had super preparation to his soft long coat which was really white with even tipping to his body, a touch heavier on his face and top of his tail. His new coat was coming through at the roots and he had some slight shading to the back of his paws. Clear lining to his eyes and
lips with a brick red nose leather. Lovely temperament.
Mesmereyes (alias Floyd) is owned and loved by Kerry and Mark.
Female: 1. OLLIER’S OCCLESTONE FANTASEYES. (10) 13/10/12
Show Report from Mrs C Bamford
Chinchilla who is the litter sister of the body and almost like two peas in a
pod, they were so alike. Although she was small in stature she had a good cobby
shape to her body, adequate bone and a tail length in proportion. Lovely round
head with neat ears set well apart, large green eyes, almost level bite, short
broad nose with a good break, good cheeks but her chin was a little shallow.
She had a good length of soft coat, well presented, pure white with very light
even tipping on her body, just a touch heavier on her face and top of tail. She
had no shading at all to the back of her paws. She had good lining to her eyes
and lips with a brick red nose leather. Another one with a lovely temperament.